The Dogs Bark, and the Caravan Moves on...

“Within the Tamil resistance movement, it is no secret, human bombs have been utilised against military targets and for other defensive actions. The one who becomes a human bomb cannot be forced into it; nor is s/he promised, at least in the Tamil struggle, a heavenly abode. It is seen purely as a self-giving; self-less action for the liberation of the oppressed. Rights or wrongs of the argument is another matter.”

by Chandiravarman Sinnathurai

(April 16, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) The Tamil liberation struggle has gone through many stages, inching forward, despite many contrary winds, con-men, and cock-sure betrayals. But as they say, the dogs bark, and the caravan moves...towards its destiny.

In recent years, much has been said and ink spilled about the Tamil suicide bombers; both from scholarly quarters and from 'know-it-all' squatters. Many a dilapidated pundits come out of the wood works, as it were, and they have demanded that, suicide bombing in general has to be 'legally banned' or be made illegal and be considered as war crime.

Fair enough.

But if that is the argument in a flat world, then there is of course, an other side of the coin.

If suicide bombing is illegal, immoral etc; etc; how about all the aerial bombing (Sri Lankan Air Force) of all the civilians - women, infants, children, men...this happens all the time in the Tamil territories in Sri Lanka. And stealth bombings kill and maim more people than a human bomb. No one seem to stop it as illegal!

Of course, one wouldn't want to look at these questions purely in an abstract way. None can avoid however, the human element and the moral dimension.

One action (ie; indiscriminate aerial bombing) cannot be right and legal when the other is a total taboo - at least in 'legal' terms. The whole bloody war against the Tamils in Sri Lanka is glaringly ILLEGAL.

Within the Tamil resistance movement, it is no secret, human bombs have been utilised against military targets and for other defensive actions. The one who becomes a human bomb cannot be forced into it; nor is s/he promised, at least in the Tamil struggle, a heavenly abode. It is seen purely as a self-giving; self-less action for the liberation of the oppressed. Rights or wrongs of the argument is another matter.

In a regular sense, a soldier goes out to war carrying weapons, knowing that s/he would be killed in action. However, as chance would have it, s/he might survive. But a human bomb becomes that very weapon and aims at a specific target. Is this viewed as sacrifice - tiyagam? It is well-known that in the Tamil struggle, the ones who die as human bombs are seen not as suicide bombers - tatkolai. There action is understood as tatkodai - self-giving. A willing action of a soldier - Maviran.

Fredom is a gift - kodai, when that freedom is denied; humans will do any thing and everything to achieve it. That is what history teaches. But the lesson is yet to be learnt.

ALL oppressive systems must be declared as illegal. And therefore discarded. At least in theory.

Until full liberation is earned, history will have to repeat it self.
- Sri Lanka Guardian
Anonymous said...

Why don't you promote your sons and daughters to perform suicide bombings without glorifying what other idiots has done it?
Wherever you live please keep your opinion to your self. I bet you don't live in SL. SRi-Lanken people are sick and tired of listening, reading to advice like yours how Sri-Lanka should be governed. It's Tamil LTTE the cause to all the problems Sri-Lanken people are going through including Tamils. Please don't bring the home land concept. Sri-Lanka is the home land to all Sri-lanken people who live there. North,South to East to West. They are free to live any where within.

Anonymous said...

Free to live anywhere North,South East or West! Free as long as you register at the local police station and carry your ID around! If you are Tamil that is! Sounds free to me.

Anonymous said...

Every body are our sons, daughters, brothers, sisters etc.

Anonymous said...

Every body is sons, daughters, brothers, sisters etc. We have lost more than 80,000 for our great struggle against the state terror.

Anonymous said...

Hey keep dreaming just like U did for 25 years. this like last cry of a dying DOG. I feel sorry about the sorry life of your sun dog as well!!

Anonymous said...

It is obvious that anonymous commenter duos not understand what has written in the
Article in discussion and he is just another blind of Sri Lanka regarding the ethnic issue
As long as people like him preach that the ethnic issue is only a terrorist problem
We’ll be in the same mess

Anonymous said...

It is obvious that anonymous commenter duos not understand what has written in the
Article in discussion and he is just another blind of Sri Lanka regarding the ethnic issue
As long as people like him preach that the ethnic issue is only a terrorist problem
We’ll be in the same mess

Boarding Guys said...

This site must be banned for publishing an article which glorifies suicide bombers

Anonymous said...

You are right about one thing. People need freedom and will do anything for it. That is whats happenning now. The armed forces are trying hard to free people from the cancer of LTTE Terrorism. We all are bothers and sisters. Come to Colombo and see how we live together peacefully.

Nobody forces suicide bombers to do it. But they are brain waashed. They are made to believe that North is a a Tamil only area. May be, after the ethnic clensing that was carried out byt he LTTE. But that is not right. Please don't justify suicide bombing.

Lets help the forces to remove this cancer and then we can all live happily.