- Another Cease Fire Agreement Soon?
- Prabhakaran will be granted an amnesty by India

by Anita Joseph reporting from Oslo, Norway
(April 01, Oslo, Sri Lanka Guardian) We have news from very reliable sources here in Norway that an emissary from the Nobel Prize Foundation has secretly met with President Mahinda Rajapakse and Velupillai Prabhakaran and offered the 2008 Nobel Peace Prize jointly for both if they agreed to a certain proposal put forward to them.
The meeting of the three along with a presidential secretary and two other officials from the foundation and a prominent LTTE supporter from Oslo took place in a secret enclave not far from Polonnaruwa and what used to be a Rest House in colonial times and now refurbished into a luxury bungalow with an underground meeting hall. It is well covered by huge trees including several banyan species. The access to it is through a tunnel said to be about three miles long from somewhere near Polonnaruwa.
This place is a popular habitat of at least three herds of elephants and leopards have also been spotted but essentially it is deer and elk country.
The proposal of the Nobel Prize Foundation was that both President Rajapakse and Prabhakaran must agree forthwith to immediate ceasefire unconditionally as a gesture of goodwill but with a promise that a federal solution is sought and legally enacted by August 1, 2008 and on Independence Day 2009, Sri Lanka becomes the Federal Republic of Sri Lanka with five states - Northern, Eastern, Southern, Western and Central.
Furthermore the Federal Prime Minister becomes the Executive Head of the country, and the president the nominal and titular with the position rotated every four years among the various communities of the country. Each state will be headed by a Chief Minister and all elections, both state and federal are held on the same day but not based on proportional representation. Five state constituencies will constitute one federal constituency with some exceptions in the heavily populated urban areas.
The most remarkable proposal of the Nobel Prize Foundation was that Prabhakaran should accept the position of the Federal Vice President in February 2009 to show to the world that his intention for a peaceful resolution is genuine; likewise President Rajapakse, that his talks of peace in Sri Lanka is his primary goal. The Nobel Prize Foundation also advised both leaders that the best guideline they have is the Indian model even more than the Swiss system.
It is believed prior to his visit to Sri Lanka, the Nobel Prize Foundation official had talks with India’s Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh and the head of the Congress Party, Mrs Sonia Gandhi and both agreed to support Sri Lanka to give a quick start to Sri Lanka’s economic development once a federal state is established. They also agreed that in the event this becomes a reality, Velupillai Prabhakaran will be granted an amnesty by India following a mere technical arraignment in an Indian court and pardoned in the larger interests of Sri Lanka and the South Asian region. Prabhakaran seems to have accepted this suggestion.
- Sri Lanka Guardian
Hmm.., nice try LG .
It's April 1st.
-reader from Norway
April fool
Most remarkable bull**** I have heard in my life!!! What a shipload of crap!
Is this April Fool joke
I think this is another media moc. However if peace dawns in the nation that's it.
april first!!
Nice April Fools Joke!!
Good try !! for the April fools day
Very creatively attempted April Fool's story - Need to be a bit more smarter
April fool news. too obvious.. you guys need to be a bit smarter in writing something at least for april fool
Ha Ha very funny, It's 1st of April
Be smater writers you .......you even don't deserved to be writers for April fool
Hey Grow up as junarlists.........
why didnt you say..Sun will become another moon today. it is a better story than this on april 1st.
SL need mature news writers..
Its is an insult to the democracy and hooray to the dictatorship and armed thuggery. If Mr. Parbarkaran is very serious about peace and his intensions, he should give up arms, rehabilate himself and hold a referendum. Also, one should take into account of the cost effectiveness of running a such a model in a small country.
Then If I may say so Norway and UK could follow suit by adopting a similar model as it has been drumed into me that Scottish and Irish have been discriminated for over 1000s of years. If it is not appropriate for UK then certainly not for Sri Lanka. If I remeber correctly Srilanka is only the size of London - such a model will never be implemented in London. It is a better idea to work towards coexistence, learning to respect others and their values and so on.
I do not understand how this model will alleviate racial, religious, idelogy discriminations. This is a another demonstration that there is no more racial discriminations in SL than anywhere else in the globe. Infact the situation in SL(in the south) is more bearable than for instance in UK. For instance, few weeks back, i visted a Petrol station near my house to purchase a sandwitch. There were about 3 customers waiting to be served, as soon as I walked into the shop, cashier shouted at me saying "we cant serve you because the till not working". Rubbish, its owned by Tigers. There are loads of examples to demonstrate that this struggle started in 1977 is nothing to do with any discriminations faced by Tamils.
When the leaders of the first world nations are not willing to negotiate with dictators and terrorists, such as Zimbauwe, I cant see why Tigers should be given legendary treatments in SL. Recently, IRA deided to denounce violence and pursue democracy to address their grievences. However, like Karuna, Mr. Prabarkaran could always resort to democracy to solve the grievences face by Tamils. Who is to say that in future the whole country might not be subjected to similar treatments received by innocent Tamil population in North and East of the country. If the West is bending backward to please every behest of Mr Prabarkaran, it is not very hard to rule out anything.
Nice.... very nice....but I am not going to fall for this. April fool joke on you.
April Fools
Some Journalist think Srilankan politics is fit for a April Fools joke!!?. Long live Srilankan politics and journalism.
Sara Jeyaratnam
Even if it could be an april fool's day news, I am really happy about the proposal, as its a really win-win situation for everyone. Really a master solution and I am happy that someone could think of this masterplan. Anyway I really apreciate the creativity in this report.
April Fooooooool
is it a april fool joke?
I like to suggest some modification to your site layout if you wuld contact me nsathees[at]gmail[dot]com
Thank you
Sick April Fool's Joke!!!!
April Fools!
Norway has also said in order to qualify for the Nobel prize, President Mahinda Rajapakse, Prabakaran and the journalist who wrote this article must be born on April fools day.
Another requirment is that MR and VP must have a pony tail too in order to qualify for a nobel prize.
well todays april first its upto the reader to take it seriously truth of the story depends on the reader and his or her mind culture
the picture looks like a fake.
We are eagerly waiting to see the award to happen on the next April Fools day.
Ha ha. The salman eaters are getting geared for another leg break. You got a real pain in the ar...
Ha, ha ..very funny, You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.
Looks like the editor of Guardian had lot of free time on his hands on this April 01st day.
Nice Try Guardian -:)
A Journalist who wrote this story should come to my home. It’s really wonderful, also I’m an enjoyed.
Mahinda Rajapakse
Mahinda –Prabha deal???? Yeah possible because another election coming. They both will be agreeing for boycotted votes or rigged the election.
The wholestory is like a fairy tale, which is further enhanced by the phrases like:
"The access to it is through a tunnel said to be about three miles long from somewhere near Polonnaruwa."
"Prabhakaran seems to have accepted this suggestion."
Good April fool stuff
Ranil Only went with Vanni Tiger but Mahinda went with Vanni Tiger and Bati...Tiger. who is clever?
How many animals can you find in this picture? 2
whisch animal ? Lion and Tiger.
Both are animal,
Both are eathing human life in Srilanka.
Small Island run by Two Annimal one from North and one From South.
Good Thought. Unfortunatelly its happn to be April 1st thought. Gopal. Canada
good try on 1st of April
Best dose of Punnakku I have had in a long long time. From the current position the Govt. is in, there is no need for any bargaining whatsoever. When Gotabhaya Rajapakse said "We won't leave the war for the future generation" he made the govt. position crystal clear. It is total annihilation we are after. We don't need any quebec style separatism and threats to face in future by agreeing to stupid Federalism.
April POOL............
April fools' joke ?????
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