KTR: A pen abused like a woman raped

"This has been developing for sometime especially from the time the Sun/Davasa group was locked up by certain political elements. Now it is sheer terrorism and one could see that in Rajasingam’s telephone calls. The threat of legal action is always a bluff from such people but what I fear most is that this Rajasingam may use people to physically attack Sri Lanka Guardian, the way Minister Mervyn Silva invaded Rupavahini."

by Anand Jayakumar writes from London

(March 21, London, Sri Lanka Guardian) I read with much sadness K T Rajasingam’s reaction to your feature on the Sri Lanka Guardian. He has already established a track record which is a shame to the call of journalists as the pen wielders of the Fourth Estate. I am aware that in Sri Lanka media activity has become a high risk profession and already many lives have been lost, a consequence to those who feel that violence of the extreme kind is necessary to shut out the media.

There is in Sri Lanka today a nightmare of terrorism all around not just in Wanni alone and the country has descended to a state of total anarchy.

This has been developing for sometime especially from the time the Sun/Davasa group was locked up by certain political elements. Now it is sheer terrorism and one could see that in Rajasingam’s telephone calls. The threat of legal action is always a bluff from such people but what I fear most is that this Rajasingam may use people to physically attack Sri Lanka Guardian, the way Minister Mervyn Silva invaded Rupavahini.

This is the terrible risk journalists face unless they are Pandankarayas. Please just be careful; you may be the target for physical attack. Rajasingam is a disgrace to the Tamils and a tragedy to the Sri Lankan community let alone humanity. In his hands, the pen stands abused like a woman raped.
- Sri Lanka Guardian