That is the doctrine which destroys us!
20th century witnessed three political movements:
-Capitalist imperialism
First one is ravenous,
Therefore it invaded other countries & murdered innocent people in order to grab land!
Second one says: a race is inferior,
Therefore it has to be annihilated!
The third one says: one class is oppressed,
Therefore, by all means oppressor has to be eradicated!
All these philosophies advocated but violence!
Hence we have been witnessing violence that generates violence!
Moneragala is the latest example!
Means never justifies the end!
End never justifies the means!
Love & compassion only should justify the End
by Bhikkhu Mandawala Pannawansa Thero
20th century witnessed three political movements:
-Capitalist imperialism
First one is ravenous,
Therefore it invaded other countries & murdered innocent people in order to grab land!
Second one says: a race is inferior,
Therefore it has to be annihilated!
The third one says: one class is oppressed,
Therefore, by all means oppressor has to be eradicated!
All these philosophies advocated but violence!
Hence we have been witnessing violence that generates violence!
Moneragala is the latest example!
Means never justifies the end!
End never justifies the means!
Love & compassion only should justify the End
by Bhikkhu Mandawala Pannawansa Thero
(January 17, Paris, Sri Lanka Guardian)
I truly got touched seeing this pic ,but was wondering why a modern man should destroy the natural beauty [palk strait] by building bidges,railway lines, etc when lord ram and his people had made this path with so much of difficulties and effort to defeat their evil enemy ''ravan'' and save the people in lanka and ram's wife sita
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