(December, 10, Batticalao, Sri Lanka Guardian) The Tamil Makkal Viduthalai Pulighal (TMVP) is expected to stage a demonstration against the LTTE's terrorism in Batticaloa on Monday, December 10 with the support of the government which would be providing police protection for the event, while several state and private media from Colombo have also been invited to provide extensive coverage.
According to spokesman Azad Maulana , "Mass demonstration against the LTTE and their puppets started in the morning at the Feber Stadium in Batticaloa."
"More than 10, 000 people were participated with the mass protest also more people are joining with us ", he told the Lanka Guardian.
Meanwhile the TMVP's cadres were seen this morning loading civilians on buses to take part in a mass demonstration in Batticaloa, source in the area said.
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