We Should Remember Them!

(November, 12, New Delhi, Sri Lanka Guardian) This painting (click to enlarge) illustrates a Roman gladiatorial contest, one where men used to fight each other to the death for the public's entertainment. At the end of a contest the person who had gained the ascendancy looked around him to see whether thumbs up or thumbs down were the verdict! Thumbs down meant his threatening sword would quickly end the life of his hapless opponent. Perhaps only boxing and bullfights still survive to remind us of this ancient barbarity.

On Remembrance Day, in Western Nations, all those who served their country and died in war are remembered. But in war's gargantuan barbarity, what about the civilians who died? What about the women who were raped? What about the children who were maimed or disfigured? What about those who have died or who are still dying from radioactivity? What about those who were or are emotionally scarred? What about the wars that still rage with more waiting in the wings to begin?

Killing, whether it is done in the name of defence or imperialism or profit or entertainment diminishes us all.

Killing must never be glorified but instead should be strongly condemned!