S.P. Thamilselvan – A Maoist?

By Kannan Padhmanaban

(November, 02, Los Angeles, Sri Lanka Guardian) Whilst it is regrettable to hear the news of the death of the Leader of the Political Peace Secretariat of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) Mr S.P. Thamilselvan, his death sends a strong political message to the LTTE leadership. This is the first political killing of one of the most senior leaders within the LTTE hierarchy by the Sri Lankan Armed Forces which was well planned and executed. This Ariel attack by the SLAF was in retaliation to the Anaradhapura Air-Base attack by the LTTE Air-Wing and Black Tiger Regiment.

The late LTTE Political Head Mr S.P. Thamilselvan was a Maoist and was instrumental in instigating the fast of the late Lt.Col. Thileepan. It is fact that this fasting that led to Thileepan’s death was a conspiracy by the Maoists like Thamilselvan to capture the political leadership of the LTTE. Prabhakaran has remained a prisoner of this conspiracy. Ever since the Maoists took of the political leadership of the LTTE they have always had an anti-India stance. Maybe the death of Thamilselvan might encourage the LTTE Maoists to change their stance from anti-India to pro-India.

It is said that the LTTE are engaging in political discussions with representatives of R&AW from New Delhi. The question now lies as to who will take over as the the new Political Head of the LTTE, another Maoist maybe? It may be a good chance now for one of the former EROS leaders K.V. Balakumaran now a senior leader within the LTTE and close confidante of Prabhakaran to fill in Thamilselvan’s shoes.