S P Tamilselvan killed -LTTE Confirms

(November, 02, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian)The LTTE Head quarters announced that the Head of the LTTE Political Division, Suppayya Paramu Tamilselvan, was killed in a Sri Lankan Air Force aerial bombardment today at 6.00am, LTTE has been confirms.

According to their official statement made by Seelan who is secretary of the Peace Secretariat, “with deep sorrow we announce to the people of Tamil Eelam, the Tamil people living all over the world and the international community that at 6.00am today, Friday 2nd November 2007, Head of our organization’s Political Division, Brig. S P Tamilselvan was killed by the Sri Lankan Air Force aerial bombing. With him Lt Col Anpumani (Alex), Major Mihuthan, Capt Nethagy, Lt Adchgivel, and Lt Vahaikumaran were also killed.

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