President Gayoom welcomes Bogollagama

A MoU was signed on Intelligence Co-operation Between two Countries

(November, 01, Male, Sri Lanka Guardian) Minister of Foreign Affairs Rohitha Bogollagama under took an official visit to the Maldives from 31st October to 2nd November 2007 to officially handover the Central Library building, which is a gift to the Government of the Maldives by Sri Lanka and to take stock of and bolster the existing longstanding and friendly relations between the two countries.

The Minister at a colorful official ceremony held in Male’ handed over the Library to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Maldives Abdullah Shahid. The President of Maldives Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, at the invitation of the Minister Bogollagama, unveiled the plaque of the Library building. The President Abdul Gayoom’s presence demonstrated the close relationship the two countries have been enjoying for many centuries. The Maldivian Foreign Minister while appreciating the gift of the library said that the Library is testimony of the friendship and co-operation between the two countries. The Sri Lankan Minister said that the historical relations that dates back to several millennia and the contemporary relations that have been diversified into many spheres of co-operation have received new impetus with the increased interaction and involvement between the two countries in the recent period. Mr. Bogollagama added that the gift of Library will help contribute towards realizing the vision of the President of Maldives to create a knowledge based citizenry.
During the visit the Minister Bogollagama called on the President, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Defence and National Security, and the Minister of Home Affairs. The President Maumoon remarked that after the President Rajapakse’s State visit to the Maldives in February 2007, the close ties between the two countries have been further cemented. Mr. Gayoom also thanked the government of Sri Lanka for the gift of the Library building and observed that Sri Lanka’s continued assistance in the field of education has contributed immensely for the advancement of the Maldives. Further, the two leaders discussed peace and security situation in their respective countries and underlined the importance of intensifying existing bilateral co-operation to address the menace of terrorism in its all forms and manifestations.
The Foreign Ministers of Sri Lanka and Maldives reviewed the relations between the two countries and expressed their satisfaction over the progress made to diversify the relations especially of economic importance.

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed on Intelligence Co-operation during the visit. The landmark MoU signed will provide framework for cooperation in preventing, suppressing and combating terrorism, cross-border financing of terrorism, illicit arms and drug trafficking, sea piracy and other related transnational organized criminal activities through the exchange and flow of information and intelligence. It will also enhance the cooperation between the two countries’ law enforcement agencies and strengthen the capacity building and capabilities in the relevant fields through networking and exchange programmes.

Minister Bogollagama also opened the new Chancery and Official Residence of the High Commissioner of Sri Lanka in Male’ at “Haifa” building in the presence hundreds of Sri Lankan expatriates in Male’

Additional Reports by Ifam Mohomad a Special Correspondent to Sri Lanka Guardian in Male