LTTE accepts Loss of 13 Cadres on board “Kyoi” destoyed by the SLN off Dondra

(November,15, Trincomalee, Sri Lanka Guardian) In a series of news releases made over a pro-LTTE radio station, the International Broadcasting Corporation (IBC), on 10th, 12th and 15th November 2007, LTTE has, for the first time, admitted that they lost 13 cadres including several senior leaders when the Sri Lanka Navy destroyed their cargo ship, “Kyoi” in the southern seas of Sri Lanka off Dondra on the 28th February 2007.

The names of the killed LTTE cadres released are self-styled Lieutenant Colonel Thennawan, Lieutenant Colonel Kokulan, Lieutenant Colonel Eelamurugan (the captain of the destroyed ship), Lieutenant Colonel Kumanan, Lieutenant Colonel Anbuwendan, Major Sudarmani, Major Selvam alias Amudan, Major Paralawan, Captain Kurumaran, Captain Shankar alias Thendalmaran, Captain Thamilranjan, Captain Wetri Nambi and Captain Wadwal. It has been a common tactic devised by the LTTE to confer self style military ranks posthumously on its cadres who get killed, in order to lure others in the self-destructive path adopted by their predecessors.

Sri Lanka Navy destroyed the LTTE ship, “Kyoi” 185 nautical miles off Dondra on the 28th February 2007. The 75 meter long ship was carrying military hardware for the LTTE at the time of its detection in the southern seas of Sri Lanka. The naval personnel had warned the ship to stop for inspection since it was carrying neither a flag nor bearing any port of registration sign. However, the LTTE cadres on board the ship had opened fire with medium caliber weapons in defiance of the Navy’s orders. In the subsequent gun battle that ensued, the LTTE ship sunk in heavy flames due to the Navy’s retaliatory fire. A series of explosions had been observed on board the sinking LTTE ship confirming the fact that it carried military hardware including artillery shells. The Navy recovered a number of boxes containing 120 mm, 130 mm, 152 mm cartridges and shells floating in the sea after the incident.

Denial of military defeat of any sort has been the norm de guerre of the terror outfit throughout its blood-stained existence. They make a huge hue and cry at the slightest military advantage they muster with scant regards to losses incurred in the process for value of human lives is secondary to achieve their sinister motives. Humane obligations are discarded and little thought is spared on anyone who happens to be the victim of the consequences of their heinous crimes.

This, however, should be an eye opener to those who blindly swallows everything the terror outfit dishes out at the expense of the true facts and evidence which are readily available, if one makes the effort.