Is this Humpty Dumpty`s empty budget before his great fall?, asked UNP

(November, 13, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) At today’s (13 Nov) Media briefing at the UNP Media Unit, Gayantha Karunatillake, the UNP Parliamentarian speaking on the budget said that, usually when a budget is presented in Parliament in the earlier years, people eagerly gathered round radios and televisions anticipating relief and solutions to their problems. At this Nov.07th budget presentation however, people were only looking for ways to flee from the budget announcements of the Rajapakse Bros. Karadara regime.

People elect a Government and a President with certain expectations of good governance with integrity, democratic and legal traditions; not for the Leader to run amok at his will and pleasure unjustly enriching only himself and his family with the enthusiasm of a bull in a china shop destroying everything (the country) in its rampage. To what extent has this President and his regime lived up to in regard to these people’s expectations? He asked.

This Govt. since its advent has only whipped up lawlessness, corruption, self-nourishment, bankruptcy, fiscal bungling, and Media freedom erosion, strangulation of people’s liberties, free expression, murder, mayhem and starvation among the masses. Did the people install this Govt. for a governance of this kind? He questioned

In profound contrast, during the brief rule of two years of the UNP rule, the economy boomed, the rupee appreciated and inflation fell to a record low. He compared the prices if essential items then and now:

Then Now
Bread 10/- 35/-
K.oil 19/- 69/-
Milk food 75/- 275/-
Gas 500/- 1350/- etc. etc. etc.

After the Rajapakse Karadara regime and the Rajapakse Kaluwara budget, not a single item has escaped the price hike. Neither has anything been spared from taxation. But, it is well for the masses to remember, it is the Mahinda Chintana (now known as Mahinda Karadara) which made over a 1000 promises at elections and created an all time record for not honouring a single pledge after coming to power! He exclaimed.

With the Mahinda Karadara Govt.and Mahinda Kaluwara budget there has descended on this country a doom and gloom era of inescapable hardships on the people.

It is to be seen whether the traitorous and hypocritical allies of the Govt. specially the JHU and JVP who are sumptuously feeding themselves selfishly on the Mahinda Karadara after letting down the voters who voted them into power, will put Humpty Dumpty together again, he concluded.