Govt. and LTTE are losing while the people are suffering on this War says UNP

(November,01, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) S.B.Dissanayake, the UNP Parliamentarian addressing the Media conference at the UNP Media Unit today ( 01 Nov) emphasized that it is only the approach of the UNP towards the ethnic war is the most pragmatic, most profitable and most appropriate to the people and the country.

This Govt. has been fighting this war for the nearly last two years since its advent. What has it achieved? He asked. All what we witness is a drastic economic decline , human rights abuses , erosion of Media freedom and people’s democratic rights.

Referring to the last LTTE devastation of the Anuradhapura Air Force Base which caused a loss of Rs. 6600 million of people’s money, he said, Prabakaran’s suicide squad also sustained losses. In other words, it is a mutually destructive war.

Though it has become the common practice and favourite hobby of the Govt. to suppress the truths after a LTTE attack and give distorted versions, the whole world and the Nation cannot be duped, he said. Even as Defence Secratary Gotabhaya boasts of winning the war, there is an LTTE attack fiercer than the previous ones, so to speak, he asserted.

In this situation, it is best the Govt. without further compromising the country’s economy, the lives of the Forces and the innocent civilians realizes its drawbacks and weaknesses, and seeks a way out at least for the sake of the starving population and the country’s sovereignty after ridding its inveterate hobby and habit of profuse lying and deceptions.

Recalling the history of guerrilla warfare and rebellions in the whole world, he said, no country where these existed has succeeded in achieving victory militarily. Whether, in U.K.; Russia, India, Indonesia or any other.

Ever since this conflict started, Governments which came into power have captured LTTE territories, similarly, LTTE also have won territories, but in the end they are re-captured by either of the parties’ .So, these victories are a flash in the pan.

Therefore, the true victory will result only by a negotiated solution for which the UNP has always stood for. Devolution of power is one of them, he concluded.