Welcome to my heart

Welcome to my heart

By Victor Karunairajan

Welcome to my heart
And its honey-laid core
To share God’s blessings
Of love and compassion

Sweetly stored in nectar
Collected far and wide
From blossoms of culture
Of nations and people.

Inlaid in each chamber
Are artifacts of joy
Gathered in the spirit
Of human enhancement

Essenced in interactions
With communities of folks
From nations and lands
Around the world our home

Though rooted in habitats
We amble and meander
In gradual evolution
Thru great civilizations.

Truly we are blessed
By rivers and streams
Ganga and the Indus
Euphrates and Tigris
Yangtsekiang and Nile
And many Golden Ages
Throughout the world
That enriched our kind.

When we act together
And relate to each other
We bring to our hearts
And its many chambers
Civilizations’ spirit
Its soul and psyche
And rich understanding
With perceptions of peace.

Welcome to my heart
And its honey-laid core
Garnered and chambered
From many, many lands
With joy and happiness
Precious and prized
From one human family
Shared lovingly by all.

Victor Karunairajan, a journalist with extensive East-West experience has had an exciting career having worked with Anglican, CSI and Catholic institutions, a Buddhist organization and a socialist government in as many as seven countries. He has been a parents' leader of Jaffna College which he served as member of its Board of Directors and for four years, a member of the Jaffna Diocesan Council. Recently he wrote and published a book on the Dances of India which was very popularly received.(October, 31, Toronto, Sri Lanka Guardian)