"Wap Magula" turns to "Mala Magula"

By: Jayantha Sri Nissanka

(October, 21, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) Big onion farmers last week threatened suicide and launched a picketing campaign in Dambulla against the Government’s decision to remove the import levy on big onions.They claimed that this is the period they reap the harvest —- and relaxing the import levy seriously affects the saleability of their produce.

Removing import duty came in the wake of President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s national agricultural drive “Lets grow to build the nation” inaugurated just two weeks ago apparently “to stop importing agricultural produce’’. This was done with fanfare and bombast at the Wap Magul ceremony held in Nikaweratiya.

President Rajapaksa and other Ministers wearing T-shirts with a message “Api Wawamu Rata Nagamu” urged the people to grow every inch of land possible to stop imports. What has happened now is that there is no agriculture - the farmers are hit by the government’s shortsighted support for foreign products, while the President and the cabinet is most of the time abroad anyway when the farmers are on the verge of suicide!

He echoed at the Wap Magul that Rs.100 billion can be saved if people start cultivating in their home gardens. Under this three-year national programme, the Government plans to stop importing agricultural produce.

It is ironic to note that just two weeks after “the national food drive’’, the Government removed the import levy on big onions. The explanation the government gave was that farmers have stockpiled or hoarded big onions, and therefore the import duty was reduced allowing traders to import in order to bring down prices.

However, this sort of thing was common in Sri Lanka during the UNP period. But can we expect this from the Rajapaksa regime as he claims that he is from a farming
background and goes around wearing a `kurakkan satakaya’ around his neck?
However, this decision of his Government has forced big onions farmers to hang themselves or consume poison seeking an exit from their misery, as during the UNP period, they cannot pay back debts.

As usual the traders’ cabal in Pettah will certainly benefit from the removal of the import duty levy as it facilitates importation of cheap onions as well as purchase of onions from local farmers at a very low price.

Speaking at the Wap Magula President Rajapaksa said “Paddy cultivators now get a fair price for their produce.

The days when they committed suicide for want of reasonable prices are over. It was necessary for Sri Lanka to have a self-sufficient economy. Self-sufficiency in food was most important for the country’s economic progress”.

Via this programme the Agricultural Ministry also plans to cultivate 23 crop varieties for local consumption. But will the farmers be party to this national endeavor when they are not protected from imports? Will they pawn their assets or their crop to borrow and cultivate — as there is no guarantee even under this government that there will be reasonable price for their agricultural produce?

And so the Wap Magula in Nikaweratiya was another media show of the Government to regain lost popularity among farmers? The removal of the import duty on onions has become a sic joke.