Sri Lanka Guardian reveals air strike of a few weeks ago
(October, 22, Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka Guardian) The LTTE mounted a pre-dawn attack on the Air Force base in Anuradhapura around 3.20 a.m. this morning (22). Simultaneously two LTTE light air craft had dropped two bombs on the camp, the Air Force said.
According to the latest information the attack has damaged two MI 24 helicopter gun ships, military sources said.
Meanwhile a Bell 212 helicopter airborne from Vauniya crash landed in the Mihinthale, Doramadalawa area due to a technical failure. The two pilots and the two gunners were killed.
Eight Airmen who sustained injuries at the SLAF base were admitted to the Anuradhapura hospital, military sources asid.
The Air Force and the Army are taking all measures to control the situation while the Police have strengthened security of the Anuradapura town.
More details will follow.
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