Security lapses admitted by Minister Keheliya

(October, 28, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) Govt. Defence spokesman Minister Rambukwella earlier said only three aircrafts were damaged, when the Opposition alleged 18 have been destroyed in the Anuradhapura LTTE attack, and a colossal sum of Rs. 6600 million losses has resulted.

The Govt. had been only trying to suppress the true damage and security lapses from the people from the day of the devastation, not realising that it is the people who have a right to know, and they therefore should be made known of the true situation After all, it is they who have to bear the brunt of all the colossal loss of Rs. 6600 million sustained due to the grave Security lapse of the Govt.

Mr. Rambukwella , however seems to be now coming down to the realm of reality admitting serious security lapses in the country’s Air Defence systems. Does the Govt. and those responsible for the National Security , which is the most important aspect of an administration wait for the third attack of the LTTE causing billions of rupees loss of people’s money to realize this .? Weren’t the previous attacks sufficient warning for the Govt. to mend its lapses?

If this Govt. can make a stampede for loans at unfavourable interest rates detrimental to the country; if this Govt. can spend enough time and countless billions on its Jumbo Foreign tours; if it can spend time and money on ‘Tamashas’ claiming ‘war victories’ where credit must be appropriated by the Armed Forces, why couldn’t it devote its attention to the greatest and most urgent priority –the National security?

Rambukwella boasts of managing to hold a Media briefing within six hours after the attack as if a great attack has been thwarted. .But, he does not talk of how the Govt. is going to manage the finances and save the people from imposing unbearable burdens over and above what it has punished them with already.

It is high time , at least now the Govt. starts thinking of how it could extricate the people from the grave financial hardships it has driven them into , instead of talking of its own problems of which , it is none other than the Govt. itself is the sole architect .

It is the plea of the people that if this Govt. is unable to carry on (not carry on regardless of the people!), which it knows very well it cant, it should hand over the reins gracefully to those who can serve the country unselfishly and efficiently, without further compromising the sovereignty and security of the country, by talking of winning a war while chasing after a mirage.