The Mountainous Mole-hole

By: Defencewire

(October, 29, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, as part of its world-wide publicity and propaganda campaign, has released a video depicting battle-preparation by the 21 Black Tiger cadres who attacked the Anuradhapura airbase last Monday. The unit is shown going through its paces in mock attacks along what appears to be tarmac. It is followed by the customary scenes of public mourning over the death of the Black Tigers.

The Black Tiger group has since then been elevated to LTTE martyrs. The video is to be screened at several European destinations alongside religious observances and celebrations leading up to fundraisers. The Tigers, who are famous for their ability to generate theatrical masterpieces of its battle-field success are already planning to release the movie along with an accompanying soundtrack and compositions in several European cities. They currently own and operate more websites than the Sri Lanka government, with the main audience being the Tamil Diaspora.

Intelligence sources believe that the success of this attack would be used to raise the funds necessary to replenish its depleted heavy weapon munitions and other stocks. The LTTE is also attempting to acquire a new fleet of deep-sea vessels either through purchase or long-term lease. Plans to rebuild its deep sea transport vessels would require vast sums of money and the success of the Anuradhapura attack and the ongoing media campaign would be beneficial to this effort.