Gotabhaya conceal the truth!

(October, 29, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) Making a mistake is only as half as bad as making an excuse for it, is an old adage .This is worse when the Govt. is making a mockery after committing the inexcusable mistake (Making the same mistake three times over) in relation to the most important aspect of Governance: the National Security and people’s sovereignty!

It is stark truth that it is the Defence Secretary Lt. Col. (Retd) Gotabhaya Rajapaksa and the Government who are most responsible and blamable for the recent Defence debacle leading to the devastation of the Key Air Force Base in Anuradhapura engendering a colossal Rs. 6600 million loss to the People’s money.

Hence, Mr. Gotabhaya ‘s cavalier utterance in his characteristic reckless style that he has no need to divulge the truth : “ there are some things we done have to divulge , there is no need for that ” only corroborates and heightens the public doubts and misgivings as to the manner in which this Rajapakse Administration is conducting the ethnic war vis a vis the alleged Govt. corruption in the MIG 27 purchases ; the much publicized victory after allowing over a 1000 cadres to make good their escape in Thoppigala ;and the Opposition hue and cry of a sordid deal and betrayal by Rajapakse Regime . Whereby many million of rupees to the LTTE were paid during elections by the Rajapakse Regime in a most villainous collusion between the LTTE and Govt.!

It is very clear that the Defence Secretary has only been verbally bombastic and boastful of winning the war, while the very ground on which he was standing was getting cut off from under his very feet. The Govt.’s failure to ward off the third attack even after two similar operations by the LTTE within the last few months is something unpardonable and unforgivable., particularly , because the loss of Rs. 6600 million incurred is people’s money .Ultimately , it s they who will be subject to all the hardships by the Govt’s misdeeds.

In the circumstances, Gotabhaya and Govt. are duty bound, not only to divulge the true position, but must also give a proper explanation to the masses for its military setbacks and callous recklessness. Referring to the much condemned MIG 27 purchases which the Opposition alleged as a nefarious deal planned only to collect commissions by Govt. ‘men’ and, as purchasing useless discarded aircrafts has been proved in this destruction, he said.

If they were useful as argued by the Govt., why didn’t it use them? , he questioned.