GoSL failed in convincing British authorities to clamp down on LTTE fundraising

By Nilesh Chetty, reporting from London

(October, 26, London, Sri Lanka Guardian)It is evident that the Government of Sri Lanka (GoSL) has failed to convince or put more pressure on the British authorities to clamp down more on the fund raising activities of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), popularly known as the "Tamil Tigers" in the United Kingdom. The LTTE continues to raise funding for their terrorism war campaign against the Sri Lankan Governments Armed Forces who are defending the nation and trying to protect the soverignity and territorial integrity of Sri Lanka.

The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) are raising their funding through LTTE front organisations in the United Kingdom, namely the Tamil Youth Organisation (TYO) and White Pigeon. The Tamil Youth Organisation (TYO) is not a registered charity and its leader Golden Lambert remains in custody at the pleasure of Her Majesty in prison whilst he awaits sentencing. He was arrested along with A.C. Shanthan, the UK Head of the LTTE earlier this year by the Anti-Terrorist Branch of the Metropolitan Police, Scotland Yard. It is concerning that despite the arrests of high profile LTTE agents in the UK, its front organisations continue to raise funds from hard-core LTTE supporters in the UK who are also closely related to cadres of the LTTE based in Sri Lanka.

The second and third generation Sri Lankan Tamils born in the United Kingdom have no understanding of the history of the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka and are purely brain-washed by their parents into supporting these LTTE fascist terrorists. These very parents wouldn't dare send their loved ones to Sri Lanka to join the LTTE cadres in the battlefield. They are just a bunch of hypocrites who would rather see the low-caste LTTE cadres defending themselves in battle for a lost cause.

The Sri Lankan Government has done little to exert more pressure on the UK law enforcement authorities to clamp down on the LTTE-front organisations who continue to raise funds under the guise of cultural events etc. Some of the LTTE organised events have even taken place at the Temple run by the Sivayogam Trust, yet another LTTE-front organisation whose Chairman Emdon Seevaratnam was removed on the orders of the UK's Charity Commission but who continues to live at the Temple and has over all control over the temples that are run by the LTTE front Sivayogam Trust. The fund raising events that took place at the Temples were organised by the LTTE front Tamil Youth Organisation (TYO).

The LTTE are banned under UK Terrorism laws, however the resources of the UK’s Anti-Terrorist branch is limited as they focus more on Al-Quida and other threats to domestic security. What they should be really focusing on is allocating more additional resources so that their staff can also monitor the activities of one of the most ruthless and deadliest Terrorist organisations in the world and that is the LTTE.