England ‘Should Split from Scots’

By: John Higginson

(October,30, London, Sri Lanka Guardian) A Third of English voters believe the country should split from Scotland.

Support for breaking the union is now at 33 per cent, a poll shows-up two pints on a similar survey from a year ago.

Scotland’s First Minister Alex Salmond, said the nations needed ‘ a new 21st-century relationship’.

The nationalist leader added: ‘The movement towards independence north of the Boarder is reflected south of the Border. Scottish independence means English independence too.’

And there appears to be greater support for separation among the English, as research in August revealed just 23 per cent of people in Scotland favoured going it alone.

But the latest poll, by the Mail on Sunday newspaper, also showed 55 per cent of English voters want to keep the union.

Asked if they felt they would be better off financially without Scotland, 22 percent said yes while 60 percent said it would make no difference.

Scotland Office minister David Cairns said findings showed separation remained minority view.

He accused Mr Salmond of ‘trying to provoke England into an anti-Scottish backlash’.

Mr Cairns said voters ‘recognise that we are stronger together and weaker apart’.

Photo: Scotland’s First Minister and Scottish National Party Leader Alex Salmond

Courtesy: Metro (London)