Air attack celebrated in London

(October, 29, London, Sri Lanka Guardian) News reaching from Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) stronghold tooting in South London confirms two Tamil owned shops there had celebrated the suicide attack at the Anuradhapura air force base by the LTTE on October 22, 2007.
21-member Black Tiger elite commandos with LTTE leader V. Pirapaharan, before embarking on their mission towards Anuradhapura [Photo: LTTE]

The LTTE investment business ‘Makkal Kadai’ (Peoples Store) based at 274 Mitcham Road, Tooting, London SW17 had given free drinks and sweets to the customers on the day of the attack. Makkal Kadai is the established name of LTTE retail shops run in Tamil dominated cities in the western countries. In addition to selling Sri Lankan food items they also sell LTTE manufactured king coconut can drinks produced in Thailand and LTTE publicity and promotional items. The profit of the business is said to taken by the LTTE. One of the LTTE’s Makkal Kadai based in Paris was raided by the French police in May this year as part of a co-ordinated operation which resulted in the arrest and detention of many LTTE operatives in the city.

The LTTE front restaurant Yhaal House situated at 1 London Road, Tooting, London SW17 is the second business that had celebrated the LTTE attack. Especially invited guests were given food prepared for the occasion. Drinks too was said be given free of charge to celebrate the attack. The restaurateurs were said to be in jubilant mood when they served the free food to customers.