Our beloved Subramanya Bharathiar

It was one September morning 1921 India's most dynamic son of arts, writer for children, social rebel and freedom fighter Subramanya Bharathiar breathed his last, a tragic consequence to an incident in which a friendly temple elephant that he petted and fed daily ran amok. Every year, the Thamil Isai Kalaamanram celebrates the life and inspiration of this great man and the forerunner prophet of India's freedom in Toronto. This year, an additional event of a workshop was held in the premises of this manram in which several young people participated. In order to mark this occasion, Victor Karunairajan gifted them with an appropriate expressionn of his own in verse on Bharathiar. He led the workshop that took place yesterday assisted by the youth leader Sooriakumar and Divya Loganathan who organized the powerpoint presentation.

Our minds most determined be
Our words most sweetened be
Our thoughts most benignly be
- Bharathiar

Leaders of honour we do salute
Revere memories of those gone by
We seek for guidance in their lives
Lived to full for the common good.

Through history’s pages we do seek
Men and women who served us well
We all need to be inspired
On proper paths to seek our dreams.

The pioneer generation that we are
Principled and with youthful hopes
Will instill confidence in our folks
And make Canada truly our home.

The young have visions far and wide
Tuned and readied to perfect state
Pledged to toil, sweat and serve
With our energy in fervent form

Let’s all get on the right track
Stirred by Mother Bharat’s son
Poet, prophet, social activist
Our own beloved Bharathiar.

Unjust orders he did challenge
Immaterial whatever they were
Without fear he faced the Raj
With the power of perpetual pen.

He cared less his secure self
But heeded more India’s cause
He wanted dear motherland freed
From alien and the foreign rule.

Never there was another Tamil,
Firm, dynamic and dignified;
He used his rare writing skill
In lucid laudable literary style.

He read, he wrote, spoke and sang
In blissful inspirational joy
For kids, adults and statesmen
Planners and scholars of science
Economists and social scientists
Dramatists and dance teachers
Preachers of faiths, morals and ethics
And care-givers and elder folks
With hopes and prophetic dreams
That one day India will be free.

Two decades and a half to Swaraj
He life was snapped and laid to rest
But his dreams for Bharat did arise
And his bequest for eternity.