Norway Embassy: Oslo violence a serious one

Photo: Norway Embassy in Colombo.

Two persons were injured in violence act in Oslo between the Tamils on the last 12th and Norway is taking this with a serious note, said the Norway Embassy in Colombo in a statement.

Guns and other weapons had been used during this violence in the Mrugan Temple in Oslo. This is a serious situation. This is also a violation of rules and regulations of Norway and the police are conducting inquiry in this regard. Ranjan, a LTTE supporter from Mullithivu was killed in this Violence.

Full Text of the Statement

Violent incident in Oslo involving persons of Tamil origin

A violent clash between persons of Tamil origin took place in Oslo on Sunday 12 August. Two people were found seriously injured at the scene of the crime. The incident involved both gunfire and the use of other weapons.

The Norwegian authorities are taking the incident very seriously and consider it a clear violation of Norwegian law.

The Norwegian police immediately launched a thorough criminal investigation. The objective is to conclude the investigation as quickly as possible so that the perpetrators can be prosecuted in accordance with law.