The Man with the Vision

By: Binita Tiwari
Today [Aug 20], on the 64th birth anniversary of former prime minister and visionary who dreamt India a developed and self reliant, the nation observes this day as National Integration Day, and also the Rajiv Gandhi Akshay Urja Diwas.
Rajiv told the nation in his first broadcast as Prime Minister, “the nation has placed a great responsibility on me by asking me to head the government – I shall be able to fulfill it only with your support and cooperation. I shall value your guidance in upholding the unity integrity and honour of the country”.

The great visionary who dreamt of India as self reliant, self sufficient, strong prosperous and modern in all aspects, was born on 20 th August, 1944 in Bombay (Mumbai).He did his schooling from Doon School, University of London, Trinity College and Cambridge University. In the year 1969 he got married to Italian lady Sonia…. They become parents of Rahul (1970) and Priyanka (1972). Rajiv becomes a commercial pilot in India before joining politics. After Indira Gandhi’s assassination in 1984 he entered politics with great zeal. He won the election by a massive victory. As he was sworn in as a prime minister, he promised to take India to a progressive path. Rajiv's famous words: " India is an old country, but a young nation. I am young and I too have a dream”. The nation was swept by his charm, and he made his presence felt all over the world.

In 1986 he launched National Education Policy to modernize and propagate higher education programme across India. He knew that the future of our country depends on the technological upgradation, higher productivity and social justice. He introduced computer and expected a lot from youth in nation building processes, and lowered the age of voting from 21 to 18.He paved the way for millions of youth to participate in electoral system to decide their future.

He introduces Lok Adalats for speedy delivering of justice. He gave a thrust to his concept social justice and eliminating corruption by introducing Anti defection law. He could bring dynamism in his leadership through his statement ship.

Rajiv Gandhi is credited for improving bilateral relation with US and expanded economic and scientific cooperation’s. In his tenure Punjab could see peace because of the massive army campaign against terrorist. In North East the situation too becomes normal.

But the peace accord 1n 1987 between Sri Lanka government and LTTE rebels which India was mediating failed. According to this accord the LTTE were to disarmed before Indian Peace Keeping Force but because of some misunderstandings and conflict, it resulted open firing between the LTTE and Indian Soldiers. Thousand of soldiers died and the Indian Forces were called back. It was a failure of his diplomacy. It proved disastrous for him and his government.

He lost 1989 election because of the alleged bribery case in Bofors case. But as a true parliamentarian he took the opposition part and kept national interest as his main agenda. His successor could not hold to lead nation for a long period as a result in the year 1991 India again faced the burden of election .While campaigning he died on May 21 1991 in an attack by LTTE suicide bombers.

He came and went like a shooting star but he left his vision and dream of India becoming self reliant, and is etched in the nations conscious…There is a need to reexamine the path he has shown, the path to modernization with preserving our culture and tradition