House of No 2 of LTTE in the UK raided

Sources close to LTTE in London state the Counter Terrorism Unit of the Metropolitan Police had raided the home of LTTE second in command in the UK Rupert Soosaipillai alias Thanam about ten days ago. At the time of the raid Thanam was said to have gone to Liverpool.

Thanam is the Head of Finance of the LTTE in the UK and was functioning as its head since early 1990’s on a full time basis. He is responsible for co-ordinating the fund raising foot soldiers of the LTTE and also himself visiting premises for fund raising purposes. Thanam plays an important part in the running of the LTTE fund raising programmes, meetings and demonstrations.

According to LTTE sources Thanam was at loggerhead with the imprisoned LTTE chief in the UK Arunachalam Chrishanthakumar alias Shanthan until 1997 but soon realised he will be the looser if he challenged Shanthan’s authority. He soon became the confidant and the right hand man of Shanthan. Thanam was a close ally of another LTTE full time operative Bala Vathi.
LTTE sources state that Counter Intelligence Unit has taken away the computer and printed materials from Thanam’s house. The raid has taken place at Thanam’s house