CBK’s re-entry into active politics not a possibility

Upali Jayasekera from Colombo

There is talk about former President Chandrika Kumaratunge re-entering the political arena. However, I am certain that she will not, due to the following reasons:
Bandaranaikes are suspected of having worked against the SLFP nominee for Presidency in the past. It is, therefore, unlikely, that she will trust those who worked for the victory of the SLFP nominee at the last Presidential election and join them in political activities.
Her brother referred to her in disparaging terms, after he opted for greener pastures in politics and opposed her in the run-up to the throne. It is the same brother who went against the matriarch and even went to courts. It is also doubtful that she could join her brother in the quest for political power.

She, baselessly, accused a certain green politico of having come thrice with firearms to kill her. She had a lingering fear that she would be handed over to the LTTE supremo. The green leader, after he secured political power (though limited), ‘forgot’ that she was the President and Head of State, and signed an agreement with the government’s arch foe, without even consulting her and did everything to undermine her. She retaliated by clipping his wings and turned to the people to send the greens packing. Hence, with those unsavoury experiences fresh in her mind, it is unlikely that she will join the greens to help them out of the blues they are in.

She accused certain persons of attempting to bribe her. She may not want to face such situations by returning to active politics.

She once quoted her daughter saying that the daughter does not want her to return to this country of ‘no goods’. The daughter will now be joined by her hubby to prevent Ammi from returning to engage in active politics.

Her not standing by an undertaking given in writing to the JVP (as claimed by the JVP) to abolish the Presidency, may still be haunting her, while not wanting to gamble by joining or opposing the JVP at future hustings, for fear of the boys.

For 11 long uneventful years, she led the country without any tangible results. Hence, she may not want to plead for votes once again, knowing very well that the voters would not want her back at the helm.

Though the craving for political power may still be there, she will still would want to maintain the tradition of her predecessors by retiring from politics, with grace.